Dental anxiety can prevent many individuals from receiving the dental care they need. At Lakeview Dental in Lakeville, NY, we understand the importance of a comfortable dental experience, which is why Dr. Brian Hirschfield offers sedation dentistry. Our sedation options are designed to help you relax and receive treatment without anxiety, ensuring a peaceful and pain-free visit.

Sedation dentistry is ideal for patients who experience dental anxiety or have a low pain threshold, require extensive dental work, or have a hard time sitting still. Dr. Hirschfield is certified to provide safe and effective sedation techniques, including oral sedation, ensuring that your dental treatments can be performed without discomfort or stress.

Types of Sedation Offered at Lakeview Dental

  • Oral Sedation: This involves taking a prescribed pill before the appointment. You will remain awake but in a heightened state of relaxation.
  • Nitrous Oxide Sedation: Also known as laughing gas, this helps you relax during your treatment. It wears off quickly, allowing you to resume your normal activities after your appointment.
  • IV Sedation: Administered by a licensed anesthesiologist, IV sedation is for those who prefer to be mostly unconscious during their dental procedures.

About Sedation Dentistry

Dr. Hirschfield's patients explain how sedation dentistry has helped them.

Why Choose Us for Sedation Dentistry?

At Lakeview Dental, your comfort and safety are our top priorities. Dr. Hirschfield has extensive training and certification in sedation dentistry from the state of New York. We take every precaution to ensure that your sedation is administered safely and effectively, tailored to your specific needs. Our team is dedicated to making your dental visits as comfortable and stress-free as possible.

Experience Stress-Free Dental Care with Lakeview Dental

Don’t let anxiety keep you from getting the dental care you need. Contact Lakeview Dental today to learn more about our sedation dentistry options and how they can help you achieve a relaxed dental experience. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Hirschfield today, and discover how sedation dentistry can transform your view of dental care.

Whether you need general dental maintenance, complex bite corrections, dental implants, or restorative solutions, we're here to support your journey toward a better quality of life through comprehensive dental health care. Contact our Lakeville, NY team today and take the next step towards a brighter, healthier smile.